Greetings Royals.
Welcome to our "Robe a Royal series". This is Zubair and i'm your captain.
Basically, this is some sort of "how well do you know your classmate thing" where we reel out less obvious qualities of a Royal and you're supposed to guess who it is for both fun and humble prizes (or nothing). To avoid problems with selection of featured royals, I have been vested with the power to select a Royal for today and you shall find out who it is (or read the answer in a follow up post because you're a terrible classmate and you don't know your friends well).
To start off is an interesting Royal. I've known him longer than i have known most of you so it's fairly logical that i choose him first. This man/woman is a true royal and you all are tasked with identifying him/her. I shall be a little nice and give them out by giving you hints as to who they might be.
1. Common phrase/slang: "My brother"
2. Usual dress code; corporate always. Like Always
3. Favorite royal seen with: All. He/She is very friendly but is more commonly seen with other students of the College and Olumide Emmanuel.
3. Funny scenario: This royal is used to royalty. Back in 200 level, they walked up to the "Satan" at that time (Dr. Samuel) and whispered magical words that calmed her down. I for one thought that was the last we'd see of them but it turned out pretty much better than we envisaged.
4. Nickname: No. This will give them out. Instead, I shall inform you that Golden tigers are going extinct and we must do something about that.
5. A picture of the said person: Here it is. Can you make them out?
There we have it. Please continue to rack your heads and supply us with the "diagnosis" as i have pretty much given a very nice history as to who the royal might be. Courtesy of the YBC president, there shall be prizes no matter how small. So examine the facts carefully!
This is Mr Uncle Zubair signing out. I hope you've enjoyed your trip.
P.S: Only Answers seen in the comment section of this post would be regarded as entries. Goodluck!